SIDE HUSTLE TIP 3. Create “How To” Videos...

 3. Create “How To” Videos

These days, people prefer to watch a video to learn how to do something rather than read a lot of text. YouTube is the second largest website in the world and receives around 35 billion visitors each month. It is also the second largest search engine after Google. A lot of people search YouTube for “how to” videos. If you create popular “how to” videos then you can quickly generate a lot of views and make a lot of money. Once you get used to creating these videos it will be easy for you to make more of them. Creating a YouTube channel for your videos is very easy.

What Videos will you create?

Creating the right type of “how to” videos is critical to your success. You want to upload videos that people want to watch. A good place to start is to assess your current skills, knowledge and experience. Can you turn any of this into popular how-to video content? Spend some time going through YouTube looking for how-to videos in your chosen niche. Look at the average number of views that the videosreceive. Also take note of the number of subscribers that the channel has. Play some of the most popular videos to see how they are structured. Do not copy what others are doing but use their videos for inspiration. How are they answering the questions that their audience has? What kind of style do the videos have? Are they showing their faces on camera or using a slide show approach? Take the time out to fully research your market. The more that you know about what your audience wants, the more likely you are to create the right videos. What problems do your audience have? Can you provide solutions to these problems in your videos? 

Creating High-Quality How-To Videos

We recommend that you show your face on camera. A lot of people don’t like this idea but it will help to build trust with your audience. Although the cameras in smartphones are improving all of the time, we also recommend that you invest in a good quality webcam and microphone. YouTube users are not expecting you to create Hollywood style videos. But they do expect your videos to be good quality. Using an inferior camera or microphone will drive your audience away. You can find good quality webcams (HD) and USB microphones on Amazon for a very reasonable price these days. Video editing software and screen recording software are available for free. You can use iMovie for a Mac computer and Movie Maker for a Windows computer. There are also other free video editing suites available. For screen recordings you can use the open-source OBS Studio. Create a storyboard for your video. You can write a script for your video as well but if you are reading from a script then this may come across as unnatural. Plan your videos and write some notes instead. This will ensure that you cover all of the main points that you need to and don’t forget anything. YouTube Shorts are very popular now. Can you create a good how-to video in 60 seconds or less? The shorter you can make your videos the better. People do not want to spend any longer watching a how-to video than they have to. A good opening clip and ending clip will add a good touch of professionalism to your videos. It will also help to promote your brand. There are gigs on Fiverr for a reasonable price for this. We also recommend that you add high-quality graphics to your YouTube channel. Again, you can outsource this on Fiverr.

Monetizing your How-To Videos

There are different ways that you can monetize your how-to videos. If you have a product or service, you can promote this in your videos. Tell your audience that it will reveal secrets to greater success in your niche. Alternatively, you can promote related affiliate offers in your videos. Find affiliate offers that complement the subject of your videos and explain to your viewers how the product or service will help them. YouTube has a Partner Program where you can show ads on your videos once you surpass their requirements for this. You will need at least 1,000 subscribers and over 4,000 watch hours. We need to tell you that ad revenue from YouTube is unlikely to make you rich. A lot of views are needed to make decent money with this. Another monetization strategy that you can consider is sponsorship. You can find a company to sponsor your videos. Finding a company that operates in the same niche is probably best but you can look for other companies as well. Agree a deal with them and how you will promote them in your videos.

You can make a lot of Money with How-To Videos

There are people making thousands each month by creating and uploading useful videos. YouTube users are always searching for solutions to the problems that they have and if you can get in front of these people, you will maximize your chances of success. Choosing the right niche and creating the right videos is critical. You need to be patient with this strategy as you are unlikely to make a lot of money from it right away. Growing your channel is very important as you want as many subscribers as possible. When your videos are good your audience will share them on their social media profiles. Creating engaging videos is your number one priority. You want to encourage your audience to like and share your videos and leave comments. Be sure to respond to any comments quickly and professionally.   


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