Page Rank Basics #how page rank works #page rank

 Page Rank Basics

Knowing something about how to create this optimization to harness the best benefits will definitely be advantageous. 

The Basics Keywords  – these are by far will allow all visitors to be directed to the said domain the most important elements that will ensure the ranking process creates the best results. 

Learning to identify and use the best words as much as possible effectively and quickly. 

Title tag - the next step would be to title tag appropriately, which basically means the text will be shown in the color blue whenever something has been goggled. 

The general noted maximum title tags should not exceed 70 characters, and this should always be the same as the actual headline of the said page. 

Meta data – here a short description of the general content of the site is featured and it should be done in a way that convinces the visitor to open the site as the information source that is being sought. 

Here 150 characters are the maximum amounts allowed or allocated. 

Headings and subheadings – the Googlebot primarily looks for well structured pages which have the heading and subheadings that outline the general content. 

This is similar to a book with the title tablets on the inside cover. 

The first third – although repeating keywords are important, doing so too many time within the first few pages of information will cause the exercise to be Google slapped. 

A suitable guideline to follow would be about 2.5% keyword density.

Back links – having a good number of these is also another way to get good page ranking. 

However the links should be relevant and spam free, as visitors will not appreciate unnecessary solicited disturbances. 

Using anchor text that has is rich in keywords within the back links will ensure phrases that are hyperlinked.


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